Looking for Dan number plates, DAN 7C is available


Did you know there are over 100 different spellings of the name Daniel across the world? Daniel means ‘God is my judge’ and is a very old name dating back to biblical times.

If you’re a Dan, Daniel or a Danielle, we have the perfect plate for you, available right now… DAN 7C. It’s such a great plate, it’s short and very eye catching. It’s just ideal for any Dan and if you’re not a Dan yourself, it would make a fantastic gift for a Dan in your life. Ordering a DAN plate is simplicity itself. Just type DAN into our search engine that you’ll find at the top of our homepage, click the big orange SEARCH button, and you’ll see a big list of DAN plates including DAN 7C, if it hasn’t been snapped up by the time you take a look! Of course a Dan plate would also be great if your surname is Daniels. Perhaps Paul Daniels would like a change from his MAG 1C plate, but maybe not, as that is the perfect plate for him!

Other DAN plates available right now include 616 DAN, DAN 5A, DAN 11F, E290 DAN, AN04 DAN and many many more. Plates that clearly depict names like this are very popular, and Dan is a popular name, so grab your DAN plates while you can. Don’t worry if you don’t have a car to put it on right now, all our plates can be transferred straight onto a retention certificate. We don’t charge extra for this, and you can keep your plate on retention for ten years, so there’s no hurry to find a vehicle to use it on, you can just keep your plate ready for the sports car you’re saving up for!

Once you’ve chosen your new DAN plate, all you need to do is click on the BUY button and follow the easy instructions. It’s not as complicated as you might think, we promise, but if you do find anything confusing, our phone lines are open 6 days a week and we have extended evening hours too, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm from Monday to Friday, so you can call us after work, at your convenience on 02866 387124. We’re also always available via email, so just drop us a line at sales@speedyreg.co.uk or use the contact form on our website.

We have a wide range of payment options, so there’s something to suit everyone, we even accept PayPal. If you’d like to spread your costs, or buy now and pay later, then for any order over £199 we also offer interest free finance. Just choose the finance option at the checkout and follow the instructions. It’s not time consuming, there’s just a short form to fill out and you’ll be given an instant decision as to whether or not you’ve been approved for finance. If you are, then you just need to print out and return two small forms and as soon as the finance company receives them, we’ll process your private plate order.