GB to NI Private Registration Transfers explained

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Have you always wanted your own private car number plate but don’t understand how the transfer procedure works? There are many types of car registration transfer and it can be difficult to get your head around, however professional registration dealers such as Speedy Reg can help to explain everything in a simple step by step guide. Every customer will receive a full explanatory letter no matter how cheap the registration and the sales team are always on hand to explain any further queries you may have.

Let’s say for example you are a Northern Ireland customer purchasing a registration held on a GB retention certificate. First of all you need to ensure the registration suits your age of vehicle (unless the registration is a dateless number) as you cannot make a vehicle appear younger than it is. A private registration held on a GB certificate (V750 or V778) can not go directly onto a Northern Irish vehicle. In order to get around this Speedy Reg can provide the use of one of their vehicles held in the GB mainland in order to do the transfer. They charge a fee for the use of vehicle and due to the fact that the transfer has to go onto the GB vehicle, off that vehicle and finally onto your vehicle in Northern Ireland there are two £80 transfer fees.

This may seem complicated however Speedy Reg take care of the complete registration transfer. In this case as well as receiving your initial confirmation letter, which explains the transfer procedure, you will receive a second letter requesting your vehicle documents for the final stage of the transfer, this second letter will also explain what happens during the final stage of transfer. For your convenience there will always be a stamped addressed envelope for you to return your documents as well as a tax disc holder with a card confirming your current registration, as DVA Northern Ireland require your tax disc to complete the transfer.

Due to the process of first of all placing the number onto the GB mainland vehicle and then taking the number off that vehicle and bringing it over to Northern Ireland the transfer time will take 6 weeks.