Taking a closer look at Coffee on International Coffee Day

So many of us enjoy a cup of coffee. Whether it’s mug of instant brewed up quickly before work to help us wake up in the morning, or a gourmet latte to be savoured in our local coffee shop, coffee is everywhere and we tend to take it for-granted. Coffee is a big part of our lives, but have you ever put much thought into where it comes from or the processes involved in bringing the coffee to your cup?

International Coffee Day is all about educating and raising awareness of the whole coffee growing and trading process. The theme for 2018 is Women in Coffee, and highlights the need for equality for women within the coffee industry. In 2017 events were held across 45 different countries and this year is set to be even bigger with events such as coffee tastings and coffee brewing master classes. Find out if there’s an event near you by checking out the official International Coffee Day website at www.internationalcoffeeday.org.

Why not get involved?

You could host a coffee tasting at home for your friends, or perhaps try a new coffee that you’ve never had before. You could be a little more adventurous and order something different from your usual cappuccino next time you’re at the coffee shop. Learn more about the women and men involved in the coffee growing process and discover the journey that the humble coffee bean goes on to get from the plant to your cup.

Is there a new plate brewing?

Have you been thinking of changing your number plate? If your day doesn’t start until you’ve had your morning cuppa, then how about a CUP plate such as 629 CUP, CU51 CUP, or D5 CUP? Or perhaps a MUG plate would suit you better? We’ve got 2 MUG available right now! You’d be a mug not to snap that one up! If you run your own cafe, then you might just be interested in 6 AFE or one of our low priced CAF plates such as R29 CAF and AA04 CAF. Our CAF plates start at just £199 so they’re a very good value way to advertise your business!

Of course, not everyone loves coffee, there are plenty of people out there who prefer tea and we’ve got the perfect plates for you too… 15 TEA and TEA 5S! Both of these plates are for sale on our website right now and also qualify for our interest free finance option. Check them out now by typing TEA into the search box on our site.