Keeping dogs safe and happy on a long journey

Number PlatesAt this time of year, many of us like to take our dogs on holiday with us. It’s very important to prepare well for a long journey with an animal in the car, both for your safety and for theirs.

You’d always make sure the kids were well strapped in to the vehicle, and so you should too with your dog. A car harness for a dog is such a good idea. If you were involved in an accident, an unsecured dog could be insured himself, and also cause injury to other passengers.

Get your dog used to travelling in the car by taking him out on several shorter journeys. He’ll get used to the routine and be less nervous when you set off on your big trip.

Regular rest stops are important, and make sure your dog gets plenty of water. Before you set off, make sure your dog has an ID tag on his collar. That way, if he was to get away from you during a stop, he can be identified.

If you leave your dog in  the car while you go for refreshments etc. don’t forget to leave a window open for him. Many dogs die needlessly in hot cars in the summer months.

Image courtesy of tiverylucky /