St Patrick’s day Number plates


Celebrate St Patrick’s day with a personalised number plate?

How will you be celebrating St Patrick’s day? Perhaps you’ll wear a shamrock hat and go out for a pint of green Guinness? Maybe you’ll be singing The Wild Rover? Paddy’s day is always popular regardless of whether or not you’re Irish. Let’s face it, it’s far more fun than Easter or Valentine’s day!

If you really wanted to make an impression on St Patrick’s day, you could dress up as a leprechaun. You’d look lovely in green tights wouldn’t you? Or perhaps, if that’s just not your thing, then maybe you could make Irish eyes smile with a St Patrick’s day personalised number plate? That would certainly be different!

Let’s see what choices we’ve got for you. You could celebrate Paddy’s day with PAD 1S or PAD 111S or maybe you’d prefer a PAT plate? We’ve got loads of those at some brilliant prices, but in our opinion, our best bargain at the moment, that would be just perfect for St Patrick’s day, is ST03 PAT which is currently available for just £594.

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /