Englebert Humperdink, EH1 numberplates

Englebert Humperdink seeks mystery EH1 plate buyer

Singer Englebert Humperdink was offered two million pounds for his EH1 plate by a man dining in the same restaurant as him. He was a fan of Englebert’s music, and he was also a fan of his license plate due to the fact they have the same initials. The gentleman gave Englebert his business card and the singer promised to call him to seal the deal, however he lost the card and now cannot track down the potential buyer to accept his offer and complete the sale. Englebert knows the man’s surname was Hussain and that his initial must be E. Other than that he has no clue as to how to find him.

All is not lost though. If Mr Hussain doesn’t manage to strike a deal with Mr Humperdink, then he can always come to Speedy Reg for an alternate plate that will suit his needs perfectly. We currently have EHZ 4 and HUS 54IN available, so if you’re reading this Mr Hussain, give us a call and we’ll find you a great personalised plate!