Preston Council plate sale – an update


Back in December we told you about the historic number plate, CCK1 that has been owned by the city of Preston since the 1930’s and was being sold to raise money for city funds.  Well we have some further news for you. As we mentioned in our last article on the subject, a reserve was going to be set at £22,000 and it was thought that the bids would easily exceed this.


The plate was listed on the popular auction site eBay in December, where it failed to get even one bid! Councillor Martyn Rawlinson commented that the plate still needs to be sold, but they won’t be using eBay again, they will sell it through other channels, and they may have to rethink what in hindsight is a rather optimistic reserve price of £22,000.

We wish Preston council good luck and we’re sure they’ll find a buyer for CCK1. Perhaps eBay just wasn’t the right place for it.

Photo credit – Peter [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons