Mind bending car riddles


Car Riddles

See if you are clever enough to solve these car riddles. If they make your brain hurt, you can look at the answers at the bottom of this post.


  1. Two people are driving exactly the same make and model of car. One is travelling at 60mph and the other at 40mph. After 20 minutes of driving the car travelling at 40mph passes the car travelling at 60mph. How is this possible?


  1. Two cars had an accident in the middle of the town. A man driving a small green car containing three people, had overtaken a big black car with two people in it. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the on-coming traffic and had to swerve back in, causing the black car to swerve and crash into a shop window. When the occupants of the cars were examined everyone in the green car had only minor injuries, but in the black car, one man was dead. However, the driver of the green car was not charged with manslaughter, why was this so?


  1. I’m always in charge, I’m never in debt. I’m known as the first amongst all my kind. I’m found within cars, But never in buses. I’m not used in Mexico, I’m used in Palestine. What am I?


  1. A Father and son were in a car crash. The father died instantly and the little boy was hurt very badly so he was rushed to the hospital. When he came to the emergency room, the surgeon who was operating on him said ” I can’t operate on this little boy, he’s my son!” How can this be?



  1. The cars were going in opposite directions.
  2. The black car was a hearse on the way to a funeral.
  3. The letter ‘a’.
  4. The surgeon was the boy’s mother.


Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS / FreeDigitalPhotos.net