IFZ numbers for Ifzal

IFZ 41 Car


If you explore the meaning of the name Ifzal you will find that from Arabic it translates to ‘ eminence and superiority’ and in fact if you delve deeper into the numerological analysis of the name you will discover much more. Numerological name analysis is an ancient Chinese technique used to discover the power behind a name and personality traits.

Super model Agyness Deyn famously approached name analyst Laurence Y Payg to see if she could change her name in order to make her career more successful. Payg discovered that Deyn’s real name Laura Hollins was not a particularly successful or ambitious name judging by its alphabetic makeup. He instead created the name ‘Agyness Deyn’ by putting together letters which would help to drive her career.

The ancient technique assigns numbers from 1 to 9 to letters of the alphabet and the totals then relate to a specific personality and ‘soul urge’ trait. Take the name Ifzal for example, which has a personality trait of 8 and a soul urge number 1. This means that Ifzals are typically bold and materialistic with a strong will power. They love power, are excellent planners and are excellent in business. Having the number 1 as a ‘soul urge’ number means that Ifzals crave independence, they don’t like being the same as everyone else and desire attention and authority.

For this reason Speedy Reg believe that every Ifzal should own a personalised registration as this will help you to stand out from the crowd and your car will never be the same as anyone else’s. If you would like to discuss the purchase of an IFZ dateless number such as IFZ 41 (which spells Ifzal) give the team at Speedy Reg a call today.