Super Sue plates


If your name is Susan or Susannah people probably call you Sue. The name Sue is derived from the Hebrew word for lily which means to be joyful, bright, or cheerful. You’ll certainly be joyful and cheerful if you had your very own Sue personalised number plate!

For you Sue’s out there, there are plenty of great plates available for you to tell the world you’re a Super Sue! At Speedy Reg you could choose 78 SUE, F12 SUE, 26 SUE, or if you’re a real doll you could have DO11 SUE!

Or if you prefer to be known as Susan, then the plate SUS 14N would be perfect for you!

Of course there’s another use for a SUE plate; if you work in the legal profession it will certainly cause a stir, we just hope your clients see the funny side!

Image courtesy of Michal Marcol at