Mr Black Number Plates, MR61 ACK?

The must have Mr Black number plates has become available, MR61 ACK. The Surname Black is a popular in both Scotland and England.   The Origins of the Black surname date from the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. The name Black has also been referred to someone with black hair or clothing, or to someone who worked in a profession such as chimney sweeping.

This registration would also be an excellent choice if you wanted to be become the ultimate fan of Jack Black.  Thomas Jacob “Jack” Black is an American comedian, actor and musician. He makes up one half of the comedy and satirical rock duo Tenacious DHe has also won an MTV Movie Award, and a Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award. He also hosted the 2011 Kids Choice Awards.

Can you think of any other famous Mr Black’s that this car registration would be suitable for?