What are personal number plates?


Personal number plate refers to number plates that resemble the name of the owner, any distinguishing character, profession, birth year, favourite number, or favourite letters. The number and letter combinations are endless. As long as it is available and it follows the format of number plate for your area, you can have the personal number plate that you want.

Personal number plates are oftentimes referred to as private number plate, cherished registration, or cherished number plate. They are called private, personal, and cherished because the number plate is personally yours, it depicts private information about you, and it is something that you can cherish because it represents you.

To form a personal number plate, you have to combine numbers and letters as set by the standard number plate system. If you want to make up a word, you have to make the numbers represent a letter. For instance, the number 4 can represent letter A. You won’t be allowed to register a number plate without a number. You will only be allowed to use 3 actual letters at the most.

You should be creative. Make the numbers appear like letters. If you want to form the word “HEAVEN”, you can use the number plate “H34 VEN”. If you look at the number plate, it clearly spells out the word heaven. Choose a word that represents yourself; otherwise, there is no point in personalising your number plate in the first place. If you are a boss, try to spell out “LA57 BOS”.

Personal number plate is a good way to express yourself through your car. It is also a good way to make a statement. For professionals, it boosts up your credibility if your car’s number plate spells doctor and you are a real doctor. For businesses, personalising number plate is a good promotional strategy. It is a great way to advertise the business. For teenagers, it is an excellent way to look cool and in-fashion.

Personal number plates are becoming so in demand today. You can make your car an extension of yourself – personalise your number plate.